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Estoy aquí para ayudarlo durante todo el proceso de compra y venta de su casa. Tratar de hacerlo todo por su cuenta puede ser una carga. Encontraré casas dentro de su rango de precios, lo ayudaré a encontrar compradores, lo ayudaré con el papeleo y más.
Mi dedicación al servicio excepcional al cliente no cesa con la finalización de la venta. Me enorgullezco de proporcionar satisfacción continua al cliente mucho después de la transacción inicial, ya que continúo sirviendo a su mejor interés. En un mercado en constante cambio, sé que es imperativo que tanto los compradores como los vendedores reciban constantemente la información más actualizada necesaria para tomar las decisiones más precisas.
I'm here to help you throughout your entire home buying and selling process. Trying to do it all on your own can be burdensome. I'll find you homes within your price range, help you find buyers, assist you with paperwork, and more.
My dedication to exceptional client service does not cease with the completion of the sale. I pride myself on providing continued client satisfaction long after the initial transaction as I continue to serve your best interest. In an ever-changing market, I know that it is imperative that both buyers and sellers are consistently provided the most up-to-date information necessary to make the most accurate of decisions.
I look forward to working with you!
As your Buyer's Representative, we can make the process of house hunting much easier and more efficient than if you did it all yourself. We can help you get financing, guide you to local neighborhoods, help you determine your budget, and prioritize a list of essential features that you need in your next home. We'll save you valuable time by finding the properties that best suit your requirements, and will show you only the most promising ones.
Once you've found a place that catches your eye, we'll look at comparable properties in the area to help determine a purchase offer. Then assist you through the entire process.
Vender una casa por su cuenta puede ser una tarea abrumadora. Hay publicidad para planificar y presupuestar, jornadas de puertas abiertas y exhibiciones privadas para organizar, ofertas de compra para negociar, contingencias contractuales de las que preocuparse y papeleo complicado de completar. Hágalo fácil para usted poniendo su hogar en manos de un profesional experimentado. Tengo una amplia experiencia comercializando propiedades y mostrándolas para su mejor ventaja.
Primero, realizaremos un análisis de mercado comparable para determinar el precio más apropiado para su hogar. Luego proporcionaremos consejos sobre el home staging y sugeriremos cambios de paisajismo que ayudarán a atraer compradores. Anunciaremos su casa a través de una variedad de métodos, incluidas publicaciones locales y listados en línea de la MLS®.
Selling a house on your own can be an overwhelming task. There's advertising to plan and budget for, open houses and private showings to arrange, purchase offers to negotiate, contract contingencies to worry about, and complicated paperwork to fill out. Make it easy on yourself by putting your home in the hands of a seasoned professional. I have extensive experience marketing properties and showing them to their best advantage.
First, we'll perform a comparable market analysis to determine the most appropriate price for your home. Then we'll provide home staging advice and suggest landscaping changes that will help draw buyers in. We'll advertise your home through a variety of methods, including local publications and online MLS® listings.
Market knowledge goes beyond simply knowing the neighborhoods. Ask us about the school district, available parking, or standard bedroom sizes in the area.
Your time is valuable. That's why I take the time upfront to understand your unique wants, needs and dislikes to ensure the rest of our time together is productive as possible.
You have questions and I have answers. I'll make sure that you feel confident and empowered when it comes to make important real estate and purchasing decisions.
“I wanted to sell quickly and at a good price. In just a few weeks, I got the price I wanted.”
Lillian S.
“Flora handled my purchase with great professionalism."
John D.
“Flora did a great job helping me find what I was looking for in a home. Organized, knowledgeable and friendly.”
Anthony S.
1480 Chapel Ridge Rd Suite 100
Apex, NC 27502
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